
Patient Testimonials

“When I see Dr. Kim I feel like I’ve been to a chiropractor, a shrink and church.” FN

“Wow! I think I will hire you to work full time for me!!!! I had the perfect day on Saturday! My energies were only positive and most of them were certainly coming from Maui. Thank you so much for your work. The few days that I spent with you helped me achieve a goal and experience what thought was impossible. I hope to see you again very soon.” MA (professional triathlete after the Ironman, placed 6th/1st from his country)

“Aloha Dr. Gina! I wanted to thank you for all you’ve taught me the last year+. I seem to have integrated a lot of the healthy eating into my daily routine. The major things I’ve added back aren’t too bad, and I’m eating very similar to the cleanse stuff. I’ve lost another five pounds since the last cleanse, for a total of 12. Even better, I had a physical and over the last year my bad cholesterol has really declined AND my good cholesterol has gone up. So my ratio has really gone down huge. So, MAHALO, I’ve learned 99% of what I know about eating healthy from you and our meetings.” LF

Student Testimonials

“I thought I knew a good number of muscle testing techniques and would appreciate a refresher, but this went way beyond my expectations to cover many additional layers and aspects of healing in a way that was fluid, do-able and easy for me to incorporate into the work I and doing now. This is an invaluable evolution to my practice. Mahalo, Dr. Kim!” -CL

“Thank you so very much for taking the time to come and share your being and knowledge with us. It was such a gift to have you in this part of the globe at this point in time. It felt very powerful to set a stronger intention on this side of the ocean for clearing the history and creating the opening for greatness. Have been working with the info and really enjoying the ability to get deeper into my own “stuff”. Thank you so very much for being awake and for taking the time to put your knowledge on paper to share with me. I am very grateful.” KH – Vancover, Canada

“This work will change my life and lead me into my future.” AF

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